Boy-Oh-Boy Bouquet

Item # D7-4905
Boy-Oh-Boy Bouquet
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Boy-Oh-Boy Bouquet employs roses and Asiatic lilies to send your bright and sunny congratulations on the birth of their new baby boy! 

Yellow roses and carnations are brought together with pale green mini carnations, white Asiatic lilies, yellow solidago and lush greens exquisitely arranged in a clear glass gathered square vase. Accented with blue and lavender wired ribbon, this bouquet creates a wonderful way to send your warmest wishes for the adventure of parenthood ahead.


Substitution Policy

We are committed to delivering your important emotional sentiments on time and as fresh and beautiful as possible. Due to nature, seasonality, and regional availability of flowers it is sometimes necessary to make substitutions of equal or greater value. We will make every effort to maintain the "look and feel" of the arrangement by considering the overall shape, size, style, and color combinations.

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